¨Beer Sheva¨ Piano Concerto

Composer: Alberto Askenazi

This collaboration is undoubtedly one of the most memorable experiences in my professional career. The artwork design and packaging development was a challenge, especially when devising a custom cardboard box. However, beyond the technical aspects, what is truly significant about this project is its inspiring story.
In this project, I had the honor of collaborating with a very close friend, Agustin, who has been a constant support throughout time. One day, Agus introduced me to a distinguished gentleman in a shopping mall, whose stories and wisdom left me in awe. This man, born in the city of Durango in 1943, began his musical studies at the National School of Music in Mexico City, under the direction of maestro Ramón Serratos. Thanks to a scholarship granted by the latter, he had the opportunity to study composition in Vienna.
Despite recording his first album at the age of 60, his passion for music has led him to a prolific career. To date, he has produced seven albums, including original compositions. Among them, his album "Concerto for piano and orchestra by Alberto Azkenazi and Luis O'Cadis 'Beer Sheva'", performed by Alejandro Vela at the piano with the Vienna Philharmonic Society orchestra, stands out.
This experience not only allowed me to face creative challenges, but also to witness the perseverance and talent of a true master of music. It was an honor to contribute to the legacy of his work through this project.